glamorous. fabulous. charming. fun. flirty. elegant. exciting. delicate. whimsical. wonderful. cute. dreamy. alluring. magnificent. daring. enchanting. sassy. sexy. sweet. artistic. creative. cool. clever. chic. edgy. interesting. inspirational. romantic. stunning. luxurious. dramatic. delightful. intriguing. curious. gorgeous. heartfelt. simply beautiful. zsazsa bellagio, dedicated to all things divine and that inspire us to enjoy a more exquisite life.
This is beautiful.
A cinematic art & dance film by Morgan Norman in collaboration with the Swedish Royal Ballet.
The film is based on 3 parallel worlds.
The Backstage: symbolising the beginning and preparation.
The Golden Room: symbolising focus and the voyage and finally.
The Stage: symbolising the lovers – Don Quijote