Whimsy and Delight

Wonderful, delightful and whimsical… wishing you a fabulous day!

Don’t forget to smile and laugh, it’s good for you.

via: zsazsabellagio

To the ones who still believe in dreams: 

Chase them. 

Chase them until you’re out of breath. 

Then, keep running.

via: zsazsabellagio

I told the stars you.

via: zsazsabellagio

via: zsazsabellagio

via: zsazsabellagio

Rose Nedau, Histoire de Babar, 1948

Cotton candy by Robert Clark

Miu Miu Resort 2019


Backstage at Giambattista Valli Couture fw19 

 via @humai

Bodice, 1735

From the Royal Ontario Museum on Twitter

via: zsazsabellagio

The latest installment of the designers’ couture Dolce & Gabbana Alta Moda project—whose cast of international clients has swelled significantly—was held at dusk in front of one of the most exquisite vistas Italy has to offer. 

We were in the Romantically landscaped Parco Teresio Olivelli, by the shivering expanse of Lake Como. Its waters were rapidly darkening as the sun finally sank between a scattering of clouds and the jagged crown of pine-printed mountains that surround it.



Smiling is the beginning of laughter and like laughter, it’s contagious. 

When you look at someone or see something even mildly pleasing, practice smiling. 

Instead of looking down at your phone, look up and smile at people you pass in the street, the person serving you a morning coffee, or the co-workers you share an elevator with.

 Notice the effect this has on others.

Vincent Persaud, Marseille

via: zsazsabellagio

Miu Miu Resort 2019

let it….



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