“Green strongly influences the heart and helps alleviate tension. Positive qualities associated with green are generosity, humility, and cooperation. Foods of the green vibration are all green fruits and green vegetables.”
― Tae Yun Kim, The First Element: Secrets to Maximizing Your Energy
And So To Bed – London from England. Dreamy Disposition
Willow on the Banks of the Seine
Gustave Caillebotte, c. 1891
Grange Furniture Inc. from France. Garden Gravitation.
“Green’s a good color.”
― Michael Scott, The Enchantress
Thibaut Fine Furniture. Graceful Lifestyle
Approaching Winchester from the west, June 30, 2015
Grange Furniture Inc. from France. Writing Desk Desire
Moissonnier Frères from France. Kelly Green – Magnifique
Les Andelys, Evening, 1924
Félix Vallotton
Grifoni Silvano S.r.l. from Italy. Feminine elegance
“We’d never seen anything as green as these rice paddies. It was not just the paddies themselves: the surrounding vegetation – foliage so dense the trees lost track of whose leaves were whose – was a rainbow coalition of one colour: green. There was an infinity of greens, rendered all the greener by splashes of red hibiscus and the herons floating past, so white and big it seemed as if sheets hung out to dry had suddenly taken wing. All other colours – even purple and black – were shades of green. Light and shade were degrees of green. Greenness, here, was less a colour than a colonising impulse. Everything was either already green – like a snake, bright as a blade of grass, sidling across the footpath – or in the process of becoming so. Statues of the Buddha were mossy, furred with green.”
― Geoff Dyer, Yoga for People Who Can’t Be Bothered to Do It