More wonderful photography to share today from Jamie Beck of Ann Street Studio Photography.
She gives a wonderful glimpse into the rustic, country charm of Camellas-Lloret, a bed breakfast located in Cathare village of Montréal, France.
“Taking a break from Provence’s summer heat, I wanted some time to explore the Languedoc region in the South of France alongside the Pyrenees Mountains. “
“What I found was a perfect little five bedroom- 18th-century bed and breakfast located in Cathare village of Montréal called Camellas-Lloret. “
“This place is the perfect example of French unrefined elegance.
White washed walls, a play on textures, linen sofas, uneven terra-cotta tiles, antique sculptures next to modern photography art, stone fountains overgrown with ivy, with every door and window open letting the outside in and inside out.”
photography: Ann Street Studio