
“…There are days when everything about us is
ethereal, scarcely outlined in the luminous atmosphere and yet distinct.”
– Rainer Maria Rilke, tr. by John Linton, from a journal enrty featured in “The Journal of my Other”

instagram: les_dames_dabord

instagram: caffeflorian

Vincent van Gogh “Starry Night over the Rhone”





“We must mend what has been torn apart, make justice imaginable again in a world so obviously unjust, give happiness a meaning once more,”
– Camus 
from Brain Pickings

instagram: les_dames_dabord

Mountmellick Embroidery
“What matters is precisely this; the unspoken at the edge of the spoken.”
– Virginia Woolf, from a diary entry, 21 July 1912


Vincent van Gogh “Starry Night”


 instagram: les_dames_dabord

www.kalklitir.com @kalklitir

Edgar Degas, Ballettprobe (Deautsch), 1873

instagram: les_dames_dabord


When I was young, I expected from people more than they could give: neverending friendship and constant excitement.
Now I expect less than they can actually can give: to stay close silently. And their feelings, friendship, noble deeds always seem like a miracle to me: a true grace.”
Albert Camus, Notebooks 1935-1942.



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