A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.
— Abraham Maslow
Musée du Louvre
ig: daisy.idek
Alina Somova
Jean Cocteau – Orphée Aux Yeux Perlés
Orpheus with Pearl Eyes. 1950
Dovima modelling a Balenciaga gown, 1950. Photos by Richard Avedon
Ballerina Jessie Allison-Walker
Photo by Kimene © DancePortolios.com.au
Musée du Louvre
ig: daisy.idek
Dovima modelling a Balenciaga gown, 1950. Photos by Richard Avedon
Alina Somova
“One must be of one’s time and paint what one sees.”
— Edouard Manet
Edmund Charles Tarbell – Preparing for the Matinee
6 x 6in, acrylic
©Cara Gonier 2016
Alina Somova