Colin Campbell Cooper
New York Public Library

La La Land
“You’ve got to work on something dangerous.
You have to work on something that makes you uncertain.
Something that makes you doubt yourself.
You shouldn’t feel safe.
You should feel, ‘I don’t know if I can write this.’
That’s what I mean by dangerous, and I think that’s a good thing to do.
Sacrifice something safe.”
— Stephen Sondheim
Glenn Gould, 1955, photographed by Gordon Parks for LIFE magazine
Jamie Wyeth – Pumpkinhead (Self-Portrait) – 1972
“Art is the most effective mode of communication that exists.”
— John Dewey, Art as Experience
Florentines rescuing a painting, as David watches over the Piazza della Signoria.
Over the night of November 4th to 5th, 1966, Florence flooded. The river Arno rose as high as 6.7 meters (about 22 feet) in some places, over 100 people were killed, and many paintings and documents were destroyed by the floodwaters. Young people, arriving from across the Continent, immediately began showing up to help. They became known to the Florentines as ‘gli angeli del fango,’ or ‘the Mud Angels’. The Mud Angels were not recruited, and they were not organized, but over the winter they cleaned mud out of the Basilica di Santa Croce, carried priceless paintings out of the Uffizi galleries and brought food and fresh water to the elderly Florentines trapped in their upper-floor apartments.
Jenny Andrews Anderson
“Portrait of a Symphony”
Malgosia Bela
Vogue Italia (April 1999)
ph. Steven Meisel
Theodoros Ralli – Odalisque
“Beauty? What is that? – Beauty in itself is nothing.”
— Andy Warhol
Olga Smirnova and Semyon Chudin in Roland Petit’s Thais
Photo © Irina Tuminene
Vincent van Gogh – Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat – 1887
Contact with artists has, so to speak, completely ceased for me…I’m made out to be everything peculiar and bad.
This means that I sometimes have a certain sense of being abandoned, but on the other hand it concentrates my attention on the things that aren’t changeable, namely the eternal beauty of nature.
— Vincent van Gogh, letter to Anthon van Rappard 19 September 1882
Sir William Russell Flint
Early morning preparations for a fête, St Tropez
Paolo Monti – Turchia, 1962
Max Herman Maxy – Portrait of a friend – 1926
Street Violinist in Naples, 1955
ph © Vittorio Pandolfi
Anne Magill

Karen O’Neil
by Lionel Smit

La La Land
Vincent van Gogh – Sunflowers – 1887
Antoinette Sibley and Anthony Dowell in “Manon”