guy style

Run Wild Man

* * The city can be a jungle and what could be more fitting than urban animal prints and fur effects worn by Alexis Petit, Quentin Lejarre both at Elite Models Paris and Christopher Michaut at Bananas Models Paris. * * * * Photographed by Benjamin Kanarek, Alexis, Christopher and Quentin “Run Wild” and strut their […]


“A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life.” —Oscar Wilde, Poet   via:arsamandix   Cool Pants,  Central Saint Martins F/W 2015   Love the clover! Valentino menswear f/w 2015   Classic via:flashbackdandies   “Style is the perfection of a point of view.” —Richard Eberhart, Poet     THE perfect DRUG by LANVIN……….No.13   Embellishments, […]


John Halls by Billy Kidd for Details Here’s a look at some the latest MAN GLAM fashion and styles, enjoy. Soulland Spring Summer 2015   Michael Bastian Spring/Summer 2015   Eian Scully for DA MAN by Gregory Vaughan   Jelle Smid by Giovanni Martins   Minimum Spring/Summer 2015   SAND Spring/Summer 2015   Richard James […]