GLAMOUR FRANCE AUGUST 2015 MODEL:Elisabeth Erm PHOTOGRAPHY:Sam Hendel “Kaki Story”: model: elisabeth erm (elite) photographer: sam hendel stylist: virginie benarroch hair: jenny kim (mapltd) make-up: mayumi oda (calliste)
No Place Like New Zealand: Sky City GRAND
PART II: A LUXURIOUS ESCAPE: View of the Sky Tower at night, part of the Sky City Grand Hotel, Auckland New Zealand. Entrance to Sky City Grand Hotel SKY CITY GRAND HOTEL, AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND Sky City Grand Hotel My stay in Auckland, New Zealand was […]
Summer lovin’
“Aaah, summer – that long anticipated stretch of lazy, lingering days, free of responsibility and rife with possibility. It’s a time to hunt for insects, master handstands, practice swimming strokes, conquer trees, explore nooks and crannies, and make new friends.” – Darell Hammond via:artssake via:saenzdesanta via:bambisandmermaids via:ctbonvivan […]
La Isla Bonita
ELLE ITALIA JULY 2015 MODEL: MAUD WELZEN PHOTOGRAPHY: DAVID BURTON “LA ISLA BONITA” The Beautiful Island model: maud welzen (elite) photographer: david burton (marekandassociates) stylist: carola bianchi (closeup) hair: leslie thibaud (airport) make-up: cosetta giorgetti (w-m)
Summer GLAM
L’OFFICIEL PARIS June 20, 2015 MODEL:Estee Rammant PHOTOGRAPHY: Nadine Ottawa model: estee rammant (supreme) photographer: nadine ottawa stylist: vanessa bellugeon (see) hair: rachel bredy (style-council) make-up: sergio corvacho (wschupfer)