“This unlikely story begins on a sea that was a blue dream, as colorful as blue-silk stockings, and beneath a sky as blue as the irises of children’s eyes. From the western half of the sky the sun was shying little golden disks at the sea–if you gazed intently enough you could see them skip from wave tip to wave tip until they joined a broad collar of golden coin that was collecting half a mile out and would eventually be a dazzling sunset.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald, Flappers and Philosophers
Mobili Silvano Grifoni from Italy
Claude Monet
Meubles Taillardat from France
“To live and move and have her being in a flow of blue.”
― Susan Vreeland, Girl in Hyacinth Blue
Anthony Eyton
Sunlit Waves, Cornwall (c.1973)
Barrymore Furniture from Canada
“… paint in blue and black…sometimes gray – the colors of night – occasionally I surprise you with a mustard yellow, but then, I am a poet …”
― John Geddes, A Familiar Rain
Wood by William Littlewood
The Cabbage Patch
John Twachtman – circa 1890-1893
Cafissi Mobili from Italy
Dancer in Blue at the Barre
Edgar Degas – circa 1889
“I allowed myself a microscopic view into his ice-colored eyes. It was like viewing one of those photographs of the Arctic region – very foreign, exotic, clearly a place you’ve never dreamed of going.”
― Vicki Covington, Bird of Paradise